
Our school shares a long history of involvment with the wonderful community of Geeveston. Local businesses and organisations work collaboratively with the school on a variety of projects and activities. 


The wayraparattee Child and Family Centre aims to improve the health and wellbeing, education and care of children in their early years by supporting parents and enhancing accessibility of services in the local community. The centre works co-operatively with Geeveston Primary School to augment our early learning programs.


Huon FM

Student representatives from Geeveston School are invited each term to broadcast information about school events on the Huon FM radio station. This is a fantastic opportunity for our students to challenge themselves in a new environment and build confidence with public speaking.


Community Op-Shop

The Geeveston Community Op-Shop is situated directly beside the school campus. Students at Geeveston Primary School benefit from having easy access to the Community Op-Shop which often provides equipment, resources and funds to help support a variety of school projects.