
At Geeveston Primary School, our rigorous and explicit instruction is focussed on the Australian Curriculum areas of:

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
  • The Arts
  • Technology
  • Health and Physical Education

These learning areas are fundamental to our class programs from Kinder to Year 6 delivered by dedicated and caring staff.

Geeveston Primary School is committed to providing a supportive learning environment that enables students to develop a positive vision for themselves and build confidence through experiencing success. Students are taught to value diversity, think critically and apply strategies to solve problems.

Classroom learning is supported and enhanced through the use of a variety of ICT devices, excursions and a plethora of hands-on resources. 

Health and Physical Education

All students at Geeveston Primary School participate in a weekly HPE lesson run by our specialist teacher. Our annual sports day, swimming carnival and other sporting events help support the physical health of our students.


Our specialist art teacher works with every class from Prep to Year 6 exploring a variety of artistic techniques and mediums. The students produce glorious artworks and gain valuable experience in expressing themselves creatively.  


Our staff and students are fortunate to have access to a beautiful library with wonderful resources and spaces to enjoy. Reading for enjoyment is strongly encouraged at Geeveston Primary School. Our library supports a lifelong love of reading through the use of exciting displays, a consistent flow of new books and spaces for indepedent and shared reading.